PDF portfolio feedback -

I quickly recieved some feedback from sending out the PDF of work - this surprised and strangely, paniced me.

Anthony Burrill (http://www.anthonyburrill.com/)
Responded withing half hour, said;
- My work 'looks very accomplished'.
- Each project looks different; this can be a good thing and a bad thing depending on the prospective client.
- He really liked the teeth drawings and thought they were funny :D
- 'You've definately got your own style developing'.
- Advice for future - 'Concentrate on developing your own personal style, develop your own visual signature and approach.
- Ended with 'keep up the good work! A X'

Thankyou Anthony!

Nous Vous - www.nousvous.eu
This one paniced me most as they're based in Leeds and Jay from the company emailed back saying he was coming into college the following day...so he would like to give feedback face to face, so he also saw my very small, basic print portfolio.

Feedback and discussion -

-Companies usually want to see about 10 pieces; need more when pitching to clients.

-Make the process become part of the message – context and message. (i.e. for Mail Shot – the message was ‘everything has been said before’ but the folding technique etc. was quite ‘different’ – good to contradict, but could have considered an overused communication method.)

-Audience – is the illustration style etc. appropriate to the audience.

-What is good? Brief – Could have worked more with illustrative type – make a typeface out of teeth.

-The origami piece could have been a mouth.

-Overall – good feedback, liked my work – gave advice on the work that he could see.

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