Taking advice from what Mark Howe mentioned about my handcrafted quality being something I should carry through to my identity, I wanted to have a completely hand-drawn one.
Initially I was concerned that it looked quite different in terms of the fact it doesn't look like a 'logo' but the more I look at it, I think it does and I think it sums up my practice a lot better than a vectorised one.

I openly admit that I'm not the greatest when it comes to choosing colour and I don't want a bad colour choice to effect a first impression so I decided to go with black/white/grey and I am Really pleased with it.

In terms of the information that I'm going to put on my business card - I was initially going to put my website address on it and my mobile phone number but then I realised, if I got a lot printed and then I changed my phone number...that would make all the cards invalid so I think I'm just going to put the web address on it.

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