Maybe in the future...but not right now.
Taking this into account, one of the things I will be doing over the summer is contacting illustration London, manchester etc. and hopefully starting a conversation with them.
A few I have identified so far that I will contact are below;
CIA - Central Illustration Agency.
They have a specifically typography/type as image section which I feel my work would fit into.

This agency represents Serge Seidlitz, whose work I really like at the moment...this being the main reason I want to look more into them and contact them.

I haven't really spend a huge time looking at these...but they look professional and I like the artists/work that they represent.

In addition to liking the work that these represent, another selling point is the fact that they have an office in London...and an office in New York; my favourite place.

For some reason, these don't really look as professional as the others but I will look more into them to see if they're worth contacting/if they're successful.

Once again, the thing that drew me to these were the fact that they have a typography section.

Good Illustration/Thorogood;
I found these by searcing for Thoroughgood/Thorogood so I don't know if they've changed their name...or this is another one, but either way the work that they represent is great and they represent a Lot of people which I think is a selling point.

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